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Are you a Correctional Officer?





Correctional officers in California have a dangerous job that often puts them in high-risk and life-threatening situations.


When a correctional officer suffers an injury in an on-the-job accident, he or she may be entitled to special benefits provided by California’s workers’ compensation system.


 If you are a correctional officer in California and suffered an on-duty injury, contact us for experienced legal representation. Our lawyers will provide you a free, confidential consultation to help you understand the benefits you may be entitled to receive.

Corrections officers could just as easily be injured slipping over a recently cleaned office floor as they could wind up being hurt by an inmate. Anyone who works in a jail or prison is continually under the threat of violence due to the sorts of inmates that any corrections officer might have to deal with on a day to day basis. The worst injuries could be the result of a serious jail or prison revolt or widespread or occasional violence within the institution. 

Corrections officers typically work for either a county, state or federal government department. They are not employed in the private sector. Injuries at work are covered by the relevant employer’s workers’ compensation arrangements. If you are injured in any kind of accident or an altercation which has occurred at work, then you should be covered by your employer’s insurance policy.

We know how to properly file workers’ compensation claims and will assist your through every step of the process. If you believe you have been wrongfully denied the benefits you deserve, we will help you file an appeal to reverse the insurer’s decision.

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